About me

I am a Danish photographer based in Silkeborg and Copenhagen. My work takes place all around the world. 

Through my work with some of the largest magazines and brands, I meet many inspiring people who help shape my day and influence my artistic direction.

My portraits have the individual in focus, but with the same simple expressions as my fashion and natural images. I work with different portrait and art projects, and my photographic expression is constantly evolving. These projects provide ample room for my creative ideas. 

Exhibitions and books:

   May - July 2017 The Museum of National History, Frederiksborg Castle "Portrait Now"

   Sep - Oct 2017  The Ljungbergmuseum, Sweden "Portrait Now"

   September 2018 bookrelease "Talentet i Thy"

   Sep. - Nov 2018 Exhibition at Doverodde Købmandsgård "Talentet i Thy"

   Feb. - Mar. 2019 Exhibition at DR Byen Aarhus  "Talentet i Thy"

   Aug.  - Dec. 2021  Solo exhibition at Galleri Lou Ra 

   Feb.  - Mar. 2022  Part of group exhibition "Koloristiske Dimensioner" at Galleri Lou Ra  

   April - June 2022 Exhibition at Silkeborg Rådhus  "Talentet i Thy Silkeborg møder hinanden"

   Jan.  -   2023  Part of group exhibition at Galleri Lou Ra  

- Andreas Houmann

Clients: Novo Nordisk, Coloplast, SAS, Chr. Hansen, Georg Jensen, Louis Poulsen, Carlsberg, Advance, Fireball, Marie Claire UK, Hello Monday, Lufthansa, Norgram, Space10, Euroman, Eurowoman, Dossier, Børsen Pleasure, Deliotte, Flying Tiger Cph, Doubleprojects, Nicolas Vahé, Hummel, IN, Elle... 

Andreas Fotograf Aps, Andreas Ransborg Houmann

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